Bring Employment Lawyer for Harassment Cases

The harassment can happen to anyone, anywhere. It does not have to be done in the office, only but sometimes you are publicly harassed. There are different types of harassment cases around the world. If you are harassed in the workplace, then you need to talk to the business lawyer about it. However, if you were harassed by another person in the public, you will need the civil lawyer for that.

The UAE labour clearly states the laws against discrimination, but there is no such law made for harassment, yet. Moreover, the harassment cases in the offices are usually done by the senior authority, and so the employees don’t talk about it because they fear to lose their job. The labour lawyers in dubai can help such employees because they deal the matter with legal experience. An experienced lawyer should be the first choice in any legal matter. The more experienced a lawyer is, the stronger command he will have over the legal affairs. Therefore, you should talk to those lawyers, who have already dealt the harassment cases at work. Usually, the employment lawyers have specialized in one kind of a labour dispute, but they manage to get hands on other disputes. It also depends upon your budget that which employment lawyer should you choose.

Since you are an employee of a company, and you would know about the labour lawyer of the company. If you think that he is not helping you in your dispute with the management, then you should hire another labour lawyer that can help you with your case, and charge you according to your budget. When you are looking for the labour and employment lawyers in dubai, you need to do a lot of research. There are employment lawyers who do not charge you a single penny before resolving the case and if they fail to do so, they will not ask for any charges. Some business lawyers charge you a consultation fee, too. Make sure that you have made a financial settlement with your employment lawyer before you move on the case any further.

Harassment Issues: 

The harassment issues can be verbal, physical and sexual. Talking about the verbal harassment, someone might have used abusive language for you. The physical harassment could be like checking your emails without letting you know or making such an eye contact with you at work that makes you uncomfortable. The sexual harassment is when you are touched by someone without your permission, of course. It is your right to talk about the problems at work and hire professional legal services to protect your case in whatever you want to. However, if you think you are terminated from the job in a wrongful manner, you can talk to the labour lawyers in dubai to help you in resolving your matter, and get you full compensation at the termination. Whenever and wherever the rights of employees are violated, the person should talk to the business lawyers, immediately so that things can be managed on time, without any further violation of laws from any side.


Sometimes while filling the Labour Case, when plaintiff is asking for the Compensations then the request might not be accepted by the Labour Court. Some compensation claims are civil in nature which can only be dealt in Civil Court or if has to be dealt in Labour Court but as Civil Claim in nature. You should consult the Labour Law Attorney before filling the Case. There are many Lawyers in Dubai, offering quality legal assistance. We recommend to consult these lawyers so there could be no inconvenience, while during the litigation. 

Reasonable Compensations: 

The reasonable compensations matter a lot. Always a reasonable compensation should be demanded through Court Cases. For example if a professional super model demands compensation for a medical malpractice then he can ask/demand more than a normal lady. She has a strong intangible asset which makes her to demand more than a normal lady. No doubt that beauty also matters here. A big food chain is put on false accusations by a competitor or some one, then that Food Chain can demand more than a normal restaurant. 

For Labour Cases compensations which are or have to be demanded by filling a separate Civil Case. It is decided by Labour and Employment Lawyers, because it should be decided by Labour and Employment Lawyers only. There is another way that let it be decided by Court and Lawyer just has to justify that the injustice or the main conflict has been the one damaging the tangible or intangible assets of a person. 


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